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Specially designed for our greatest allies in the skies, dynamic English training that will put you in adverse situations, like on a daily basis on board a real aircraft.

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    Curso completo com material Digital incluso.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Curso online completo
    • Material Digital Exclusivo.
    • Exercicios interativos.
    • Certificado de conclusão Digital.
    • Badge exclusivo para suas redes sociais e curriculum.
    • Uma aula individual por mês com professor nativo.


Do your complete mock airline interview in English now and know if you're ready for the big day.


Professional assessment following international standards with personalized recommendations based on your performance.


Learn the tips and backstage of the interview that most qualifies aviation candidates.

Iremos avaliar tudo desde sua pronuncia, estrutura, postura e positividade. Caso não saiba o que esperar, lembre-se de fazer nosso curso preparatório de inglês para Comis...
Simulado Entrevista Comissário Inglês
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Complete training USA (Native English)

Bachelor of Aeronautical Sciences

Postgraduate in English language teaching with emphasis on the use of new technologies (Certified by BRIDGE)

Google Certified Educator

Cambridge Proficiency Exam (CPE), TOEIC, CPL, TOEFL.

Aviation: ICAO 6  

PILOT and Certified Flight Instructor


Over 10 years of experience in the language teaching sector.

Specialized in applied English.

Courses designed according to the needs of each client.

We collaborate with all types of projects all over the world, from interview preparation to flight simulators.

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